MCE’s single filer is a low-pressure conveyor designed to gently move products from mass-flow or accumulation and return to a single file for continuous production throughput. Commonly paired with MCE’s re-flow accumulation table, the single filing conveyor arranges product accumulation zones into a single line as production rates increase during discharge offering optimum running performance. Easily integrated with existing production lines, MCE’s single filing conveyor moves round containers such as canisters, jars, bottles, and cans providing a consistent production flow of products to downstream equipment.
Single Filer Conveyor Sell Sheet
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MCE conveyor solutions are extremely streamlined. MCE ships conveyor projects in assemblies with drives, reducers, wearstrips, returns, guide-rails and brackets already installed. Bolting the assemblies together, installing the chain and fine tuning guide-rails to fit the product or package are the only on site installation steps required, making MCE coneyor solutions capable of maximizing productivity at no expense of extra resources.
CONTACT US Modular Conveyor Express 600 S. Commercial Street Neenah, WI 54956 Toll-free Phone: 844-293-2816